Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Apple of Love

Tuesday, May 21st 

So today - same as every Tuesday, we had class at the BYU appartement and then a real french home-made lunch. And just like every Tuesday, the food blew my mind and was utterly delicious. Today it was ratatouille and cordon bleu, which made it the second time I had had ratatouille in France - proving both that it is in fact tasty the second time around and that it's truly a popular French meal. After stuffing myself at lunch, we went as a class to the Marmatton museum. It's a small museum with more impressionist art but it's main claim to fame is some of Monet's works including one or two of his "water lilies". After that a group of us went in search of a bakery recommended by the locals. After successfully locating the bakery, some of the girls wanted to show us an amazing chocolatier they had stumbled upon. We rode the métro over to hôtel de ville and walked down the streets until we spotted it. What I would come to consider THE best chocolatier in Paris. Maison Georges Larnicol. It might have all these other claims to fame (they have this specialty bread/pastry called Kouignettes that my friends couldn't get enough of) (plus I hear their caramels are supposed to be quite good) but that day I fell in love with one particular goodie called "Pomme d'amour" - literally "Apple of Love". Well it sure did do the trick. Ok so while it might look like just an everlasting gobstopper - it's not. The red shiny color is just a color-coating applied to the chocolate. When you bit in, it's as soft as any other chocolate ball - no crunch. Except it's not just another chocolate ball. In the middle is a piece of soft candied apple. Like I said, apple of love is a pretty apt description. It worked on me. After our trip to the chocolatier (and my subsuquent eye-opening experience) I went back home and had dinner with my family. And had another round of delectable french food :)

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