Monday, May 20, 2013

The Smile: Who Wore It Best?

Monday, May 14th, 2013

Ok, so I'm incredibly behind on this blog - which means that you might not have to sit through as many of my sidebars and commentaries and get straight to the facts. Hopefully you won't find this boring. I will try and preserve some of my wit even amongst the dull facts - you're welcome. So today was all a day of art - art mania. Class as usual and then we went to the Hôtel de Soubise to examine the Rococo style, it's one of my favorites because everything is kinda frilly like baroque but also soft and dreamy like impressionism. Clearly you can tell by my description that I am not an art major, but that's the way I think of Rococo. So the interior design was beautiful. The details were simply so ornate and detailed.

So after the Hôtel de Soubise we went somewhere that I have been dying to go since I got in Paris - before I got in Paris! Le Louvre! So since I've never been to Paris or even Europe obviously I've never been to Le Louvre but I love art and am just so excited by the idea of all these amazing works of art - legendary works being in one place where you can see them and get close to them. And they are the ORIGINAL pieces. Like these statues truly have been around for HUNDREDS (plural, more than just one hundred but hundredS) of years. That's insane. If you truly think about it - it's insane. Some of these pieces date back before our country was ever formed. Before they ever even new America existed! And you can see them! I think that will always blow my mind. So obviously I was really excited. Although I will admit that my throat was full on hurting today - it hadn't got better since Sunday so I was tired and feeling all that gross sick feeling. Let me just say that it was as cool as I always thought. ART EVERYWHERE!! But let me just say that when they say that the Louvre is big - they mean huge. Like if the Empire State building floors were laid out and consolidated into just a few. It is so long and there are so many rooms. Our teachers had given us a couple of items to find and of course one of them was La Jaconde (Mona Lisa). My friend and I looked for it and tried to locate ourselves for 2 hours! But eventually we did find it!! We were probably in the Louvre for about 4 hours. Obviously it's impossible to choose one favorite thing, but in general I just loved the statues. The amount of life they have is amazing, especially considering that they didn't even have the type of modern tools that we have today. As much as I felt like I could have stared at art forever and ever...four hours of walking and standing (while sick) was a lot and overwhelming. And frustrating. It is frustrating to be lost and wandering. Please excuse the picture overload - you know I just couldn't help myself. So this first one: Besides it being extremely flattering, I had to include it to show our triumph after trying to track down this mysterious lady for nearly 2 hours - seriously, you would think she was Carmen San Diego with the wild goosechase we went on to find her! And yeah, my eyes disappear when I get really excited - I guess that's what happens when you are 0% Asian...

Ok so who wore the smile best??

So after the interesting but exhausting trip in the Louvre, a friend and I went to the Tuilerie Gardens and then due to the poor weather a sidewalk café. We each had a chocolat chaud (hot chocolate)and sat in the café - just like real Parisiens. Since it was Monday night, there was an FHE with the jeunes adultes (young adults) at the church building. Pretty much all the kids from the program showed up. It was fun to meet everyone. We just had a lesson which was taught by one of the kid and was so long. It was like an hour lesson, and he was the only one who was teaching - he got us involved but it was still long. Oh and unfortunately, due to the fact that the day had taken its toll on my poor awearied body - I do not know what his lesson was about. Yeah. I know. It was that long and I didn't know what it was about. My bad. To be fair though it was all in French. So I caught some of it but not all of it. Plus they gave us dinner! Which was delicious. To be honest, a lesson I learned in college is that all free food tastes better. It's just true. So we chatted with them after FHE which was cool and then I just went home. A lot of the other girls stayed out and got ice cream but I was done for the day and it was technically late - nearly nothing is late for the French, they stay out till like 2 am every day I swear, it was like 9:30pm and it took an hour to get home so I took my leave. All in all a really good day. I wish I could give more specific details about the Louvre and day but my memories aren't so great (sick that day remember?) and I feel like they'd just be boring anyway! I swear I'm going to get this blogging thing up to date and down to a science. A toute à l'heure! (See ya later)

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